I gladly provide English descriptions on request!
Newsletter and catalogues:
- Liste 61 - Mendelssohn (84 Artikel)
- Liste 60 - Sammlung Rheinfurth 1 - Rara und Rarissima (44 Artikel)
- 57 - Autographs (41 Artikel)
- 56 - Edison Denisow Samisdat Partituren UdSSR 1961-1970
- 55 - Highlights from 3 collections: first editions by CPE Bach, Beethoven, Haydn Hummel, etc. (15 Artikel)
- 54 - scribal copies 18th century Benda, Bernasconi, Bertoni, Felici, Haydn, Jommelli, Piccinni, Righini, Zingarelli
- 53 - 30x Bach - 30 Jahre Deutsche Clavichord Societät (31 Artikel)
- 52 - Manuscripts and first editions, 18. and 19. century (21 Artikel)
- 51 - Haydn, first and early editions, collections, facsimiles (10 Artikel)
- 50 - Berlin (30 Artikel)
- 49 - Lieder and other vocal compositions (158 Artikel)
- 48 - Mozartiana - Paris Dresden Venedig (1 Artikel)
- 47 - Tanzmusik im Biedermeier 1 - Joseph Lanner (28 Artikel)
- Die originelle Geschenkidee - ein schönes Faksimile (30 Artikel)
- 46 - autographs and early editions (64 Artikel)
- 45 - Wiener Klassik (26 Artikel)
- 44 - folium digital
- 43 - Organ music
- 42 - Programmebooks, leaflets, autograph dedications.
- 41 - Composers autograph postcards (10 Artikel)
- 40 - Easter music - autographs, printed music, ephemera
- 39 - Fundstücke - Autographen, Drucke, Ephemera
- 38 - Frauen in der Musik - 24 Autographen, Drucke, Ephemera
- 37 - 25 Musiker-Autographen
- 36 - Musiktheater 1910-1946 - Sammlung Fabian (4 Artikel)
- 35 - Notenautographen in Faksimile (13 Artikel)
- 34 - 1770-1827 - Music in the era of Beethoven, Part 2 (99 Artikel)
- 33 - 1770-1827 - Music in the era of Beethoven, Part 1 (17 Artikel)
- 32 - Richard Wagner - Bayreuth - Umfeld: Autographen, Notendrucke, Bücher (55 Artikel)
- 31 - Richard Strauss - Autographs, first editions
- 30 - Around Napoleon - autographs, printed music, ephemera
- 28 - Schumann and friends
- 27 - Great Britain - a hotspot of European classical music for centuries
- 26 - 12 Jewish composers
- 25 - Library Hugo Ruf, Ancient Music, harpsichord, organ
- 24 - 15 musical manuscripts
- 22 - 15 autographs and manuscripts, including Constanze Mozart
- IAML-Congress 2018 (6 Artikel)
- 21 - Offenbach - Orpheus, Strauß - Fledermaus
- 20 - Spring-Highlights: Rhau Enchiridion musicae Wittenberg 1538, Beethoven, Chopin, Händel, Haydn, Mozart, Schumann.
- 19 - Centennials: Bernstein, Boito, Einem, Gounod, Isouard, Kozeluch, Kufferath, Lecocq, Litolff, Treffz, Zimmermann
- 18 - Instrument of the year: Violoncello